Technical data
KL2634, KS2634
Connection technology
relay output
Number of outputs
4 x make contacts
Nominal voltage
250 V AC/30 V DC
Load type
ohmic, inductive
Max. output current
4 A per channel
Switching current
4 A AC/DC (ohmic)/2 A AC/DC (inductive)
Ohmic switching current
4 A AC/DC per channel
Inductive switching current
2 A AC/DC per channel
Minimum permitted load
0.1 mA at 0.1 V DC (at 120 operations/min.)
Electrical isolation
500 V (K-bus/field potential)
Current consumption power contacts
Current consumption K-bus
typ. 120 mA
Bit width in the process image
4 outputs
Operating cycles mech. (min.)
2 x 107 (at 18 x 103 switching cycles per hour)
Operating cycles electr. (min.)
1 x 105 (3 A/30 V DC ohmic load)
no address or configuration setting
approx. 70 g
Operating/storage temperature
0…+55 °C/-25…+85 °C
Relative humidity
95 %, no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance
conforms to EN 60068-2-6/EN 60068-2-27
EMC immunity/emission
conforms to EN 61000-6-2/EN 61000-6-4
Pluggable wiring
for all KSxxxx Bus Terminals